Equine Diploma

An AVDC® Equine Dental Specialty Diplomate (AVDC®EQ) is a veterinarian who has been certified by AVDC® as having demonstrated specialist knowledge and expertise in equine veterinary dentistry as a result of completing the AVDC® entrance requirements and having successfully passed the AVDC® Equine examination.
AVDC® is recognized as the specialist certification organization in veterinary dentistry in North America by the American Board of Veterinary Specialties. AVDC® diplomates are veterinary dental specialists.
Important for Equine Applicants
and Residents
- Training Program Requirements
- Residency Registration Application
- Guidelines for Equine Case Logs
- Equine Cadaver Form
- Examples of Case Logs
- Radiograph Submission Guidelines
- Curriculum Vitae in AVDC® format (PDF)
- Curriculum Vitae in AVDC® format (.doc)
- Specialty Training Requirements
(anesthesia, radiology and surgery) - Equine Specialty forms
AVDC® Equine Dental Specialty Information
Dates and Deadlines for Residents & Candidates
Residency application and registration start date:
No set annual deadline.The minimum duration of a full-time residency program is 30 months. The maximum duration of a part-time residency program is six years.
Annual Report Submission deadline: January 31st
All equine annual reports are due January 31st.
End of first residency year:
Submission of Radiograph Set(s)
End of second residency year:
The required radiograph set(s) must be approved by the end of the second year.
Pre-Approval Submissions: Sept. 15th – May 1st
Submission of items for Credentials Committee Pre-Approval: Equipment list, Dental Charts, Specialty Training Hours, Radiograph Sets, Publications can be submitted from September 15th to May 1st.
Pre-approval remains open to all from May 1st through September 15th, but residents will experience a delayed response in review time during this period due to credential package reviews. During this time, review priority will be given to residents submitting a credentials package by July 15th of that year.
Please note that pre-approval notifications are NOT ensured for July 15th credential packages if the resident submits later than May 1st of that year.
Credentials Applications Deadline: July 15th
July 15th each year for full- or part-time residents. Applicants whose applications are approved by the Board are then Candidates, eligible to take the examination the next time it is given.
Full-time residents who have completed all residency program requirements except the full 30 month program duration requirement can submit a credentials application by July 15th; if the application is approved as complete except for the 30 month requirement, Provisional Approval will be granted, with the stipulation that the Residency Program Director must confirm that the applicant has met the full 30 month residency requirement before full Approval is granted. Upon Provisional Approval being granted, the applicant becomes eligible as a candidate to take the Phase I examination at the next opportunity.
Examination Security Form and Fee – Phase 1: Oct. 31st
The signed form and examination fee are to be submitted to the Executive Director by October 31st for the Phase 1 Examination
Phase 1 Examination: January 9-10, 2025
Multiple choice questions written examination, given online at regional examination centers. January 12-13, 2023
Examination Security Form and Fee – Phase 2: March 1st
The signed form and examination fee are to be submitted to the Executive Director by March 1 st for the Phase 2 (practical examination). Candidates are eligible for entry to the Phase 2 examination only after passing the Phase 1 examination.
Phase 2 Examination: June 6-8, 2025
Given at Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital, Lexington, KY.
Credentials Application decisions:
Credentials application decisions are made by the Board based on recommendations from the Credentials Committee. This typically occurs in late August/early September. Applicants whose applications are approved by the Board are then Candidates, eligible to take the examination the next time it is given.
Examination Results and Recognition as a New Diplomate
Examination results are usually distributed to candidates 3-5 weeks following the examination.
Formal commencement of Diplomate status:
Candidates who have passed both parts of the examination become diplomates on the date on which the examination decision letter is distributed. They are listed in the AVDC® Diplomate online Directory at that time.
Presentation of diplomas to new diplomates:
This occurs during a public session at the start of the Annual Meeting of the College, which will be held on the Wednesday afternoon of the Veterinary Forum weekend.
AVDC® and Equine Dentistry
A brief History of Equine Dentistry and a history of the development of the AVDC® Equine Dental Specialty are included as files available by clicking the links below.